Thursday, August 04, 2005
  Daily Bread
Here in Singapore, and perhaps in some asean countries like the Philippines, the bread to beat is Gardenia. I myself only buys Gardenia whenever I can. It's like trusting only the brand you know, for example, gasul, colgate, sony, etc.

But when I do buy bread, I really don't care on what the freshess bread there might be. I just pick from the shelf and that's it. Some people might smell, some may squeeze. But here's a scoop that might help you determine the youngest bread.

The bread is delivered to grocery stores five days a week. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Each day has a different color lock tie. These are:

Monday - Blue
Tuesday - Green
Thursday - Red
Friday - White
Saturday - Yellow

This color scheme is very easy to remember. The colors go alphabetically: Blue - Green - Red - White-Yellow.

OK, enough of talk, let me get some spread...
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Richard's general thought on I.T. life, I.T. trends, the Philippines and being in an economic exile.

Location: Singapore

I am Richard Relos. A software developer.


richard@work - rrelos.net

July 2005 / August 2005 /

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